YUNIKA HOME > Our CSR activities

Our CSR activities


One of the extra-curricular activities at KIST is the participation in the HFH international program. Following the HFH vision of building "a world where everyone has a decent place to live," KIST has actively participated in housing construction in Cambodia for the 2018 year.

Also, as part of the HFH program at KIST, the school gives students an invaluable learning experience through direct interaction with society. Including their own travel and accommodation expenses, as well as construction material costs to be expected in Vietnam, students first conducted fundraising activities to raise the necessary funds with their own hands by promoting awareness of the program and giving presentations to corporations.


2018 KIST HFH Team efforts 

With the cooperation of local staff, the 2018 KIST HFH team have built housing for single mother families living in severe environments on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The housing construction started from practically zero, beginning with cutting down bamboo for the material and digging a hole for the toilet tank.




When that was done, the next step was making the floors by nailing bamboo into the frame of the house and laying bricks for the walls. Building a house by hand was a new experience with many hardships, but I was able to learn by watching how the local staff work and step by step there was progress.




With the housing being built little by little, there was not only a sense of accomplishment, but also an opportunity to learn about the culture as I was spending every day life with the local people. Although there was a language barrier, it was a good experience to be able to interact and understand through gesturing.




The housing was complete and the day came to say goodbye. When the home owners said “please stay longer”, I felt sad but left the site with wonderful memories. I would like to relay this lifetime experience to my juniors and would like to make this an activity that will continue on rather than be a one-time only event.





2017 KIST HFH Team efforts >


At Yunika, we are actively involved in making our contributions to social issues concerning the environment, economy and human resource development through our CSR activities and business developments. We will continually aspire to help build a better future.

※About KIST

K. International School Tokyo is a private school, non-denominational to any particular religion, which provides coeducation to children from kindergarten up to the 12th grade.

※About HFH

Habitat For Humanity is an international NGO with a vision to realize "a world where everyone has a decent place to live." The organization actively works in over 70 countries worldwide to help in housing construction for those in need.


Our CSR activities

As part of our CSR activities, Yunika supports K. International School Tokyo (KIST) in their involvement with the Habitat For Humanity (HFH) volunteer program.

Seeking real estate and tenant buildings situated near train stations

Yunika Corporation aims to further expand its business and increase its market share in Japan. The Company recognizes that prime real estate locations are essential for the success of its business and the competitiveness of its local outlets. Therefore, we invite property owners to contact us directly and discuss the possibility of transferring ownership.

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